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New post up at the Times, different blog

I was asked by my editor to reflect on alcohol and New Years' and what it all means to me, so I did just that, as did a couple other people, too.

Proof: Alcohol and American Life (New York Times Online)

Happy New Year to you all.


Addendum, several hours later.

The reaction to the blog post in the Times has been pretty universally sour. Most people read Proof for great drinking stories and happy boozing. This entry was not one of those. I can't remember my happy drunks, honestly, so it was not something I could write about. (I bet some of my readers can remember some of my drunken nights better than I can.) I was asked to consider thoughts on the holiday positive, negative, celebratory and fearful, and the piece I submitted was sent with those considerations in mind.

I would never want to discourage anyone who wants to drink and can drink successfully from having a good time, especially on New Years' Eve, a traditional night for such adventure.

All I was saying, if it really needs restating, was I can't drink anymore. I'm grateful for finding this out before it killed me, which it would have done, although I wish I'd realized it earlier. As for my part of the blog, I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade, and I'll raise my glass to all the drinkers tonight at midnight and wish everyone a Happy New Year.


Way to go. Happy New Year.
I wish I could have been at your show at the Garage.
rickumali said…
Thanks for posting this link. I continue to be amazed at how important drinking is to many peoples' lives, and how quickly drinking can become "a problem." Proceed with caution and moderation, is all I can say to the youngsters beginning their drinking lives.
arob71 said…
Congratulations on your sobriety. Drinking is something I just never really took to, and I'm extremely grateful. Having seen what alcohol can do to people, I think it's worse than some illegal drugs.
Anonymous said…
Peter, it really puzzles me that anyone would react that way to your blog post. I think it really speaks to how honorable you are and how strange this world has become.
Anonymous said…
Hey Peter,

I completely understand your post coming from a long line of alcoholics.

Most of my immediate family is in one 12 step program or another. I actually love the occasional beer or glass of wine but recognize that many of us just can't do that anymore.

Take care and hang in there,

Bobby Sutliff
Moose said…
Actually I thought the entire column was nicely rounded out with different takes on alcohol in our society. I still tip a glass but have several friends who can’t… or won’t. I understand and support their choice and even have helped a few over the years maintain that choice. We all know a few who didn’t… or couldn’t. Cheers to you for being able to maintain! Great post.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for your reflections on alcohol, Peter. From a fellow musician who's now clean and sober -- hang in there and keep telling it like it is. Ours is a high-risk profession anyway; we sure don't need to put on a big smiley-face about how much fun we had with booze.

All best for 2009,

Anonymous said…

As a guy who might possibly have something of a drinking problem, and who comes from long line of others who most certainly have drinking problems, I applaud your column/blog in the Times. I generally read your blog as a confirmed ex-professional musician/songwriter, but often find myself connecting to what you write for other reasons--this blog being one of them. I drank a little this New Year's, but kept it under control, didn't drive, and woke up without a hangover. A real blessing--much like your column. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Peter, I thought your Times piece was extremely thoughtful, well-written, and perfectly appropriate for the assignment. Thanks for writing it!

Cheers, Tim

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