Kicksville 66 is Miriam Linna's new blog. Miriam, one of my first New York pals along with her co-conspirator Billy Miller, runs the empire known as Norton Records for many years. It is a mighty place, full of the most crazed rock and roll music ever invented and committed to tape (much involving Miriam and Billy's band, the A-Bones); this blog, however, starts years before, when Miriam came to NY from Kent, Ohio in 1976 to play drums for the Cramps. It is the kind of first-person account that blogs should be: expertly written with energy and wit, and recalled intimately and comprehensively (and with pictures). It is a story set in the beginnings of the New York music scene that I, like Miriam, followed from afar via magazines and records, and that the dB's became part of a year or two later. I'm so excited this exists, and each new entry will be savored like an issue of Kicks Magazine always has been.
by the way, am listening to Out of My Way and Here and Now a lot and enjoying them.
Have been repeating:
Begin Again (of course)
Santa Monica
Meet Me in the Middle
Pretty, Damned, Smart
glad to hear your sardonic, ironic tone again Peter.
Wish we had y'all in NOLA more often.
Wherefore are thou, Mr. Holsappple? Your stories, observations, and experiences are sorely missed here. I hope nothing terrible has happened to keep you away so long.
Takin' the summer off Peter?
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