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Showing posts from October, 2023

Inhabiting the Song

I just sang at an old friend’s funeral service. He was part of a circle of hometown kids growing up in the 1970s; our group was not like what you see on television as representative of the time. We were bound together through the music we savored and the garage band in our midst, whose repertoire mostly ran against the grain of southern rock and that genre’s fans, which was half the fun. Most of that band was in attendance today, and I sang with two of them. The family asked me to sing “In My Life” by The Beatles, so I thought singing with my bandmates would be a fitting tribute to our friend. With a little cajoling, they agreed. We rehearsed for a couple hours this week, then sang the song a bunch in the car on the way up. The most doubtful among us had practiced well and sounded like he belonged in the blend. This group of friends was of the age where The Beatles were on The Ed Sullivan Show that fateful Sunday night in 1964, then were all jabbering about it in elementary school the