Just so I do this in chronological order:
I'm playing a few shows with my friend Don Dixon and Murray Attaway next weekend:
- Friday March 7 - Wake Forest Listening Room, Wake Forest NC
- Saturday March 8 - Chilton House, Richmond VA (sold out)
- Sunday March 9 - Chilton House, Richmond VA matinee
Two people I very much look forward to sharing a stage, and hear them sing their amazing songs. You should come!
And then....
My new solo album The Face of 68 is being released on green glass colored vinyl Record Store Day 2025 (April 12)! Here's what the cover looks like (artwork is by Jon Langford). Pretty cool, huh? And the RSD sticker is on the shrink wrap, I promise.
The label releasing it is Label 51 Recordings, who also have the new Vicki Peterson & John Cowsill album Long After the Fire coming out RSD, as well as We Can Help, a new Sweet Relief album to which I contributed a track. The Label 51 catalog is full of fine artists like Rain Parade (who are making some of their finest music recently) and Sid Griffin (about to start a tour with Peter Case); the label's staff has been on point and enthusiastic through the whole process.
There's a single from the album called "She and Me" that's on streaming services now. Here's a link to the sweet animated lyric video. (There was a first single released as well, "Larger Than Life," which you can also find on streaming services.) Here is the Spotify link.
I have a couple of record release parties scheduled:
- April 24, Gas Hill Drinking Room, Winston-Salem NC (with Michael Slawter)
- April 25, Cat's Cradle Back Room, Carrboro NC (with Florence Dore)
My band will include Rob Ladd on drums and Robert Sledge on bass, reprising their roles from The Face of 68; we will be joined by Sam Frazier on guitar.
There will be a few more shows in major metro areas soon thereafter as well. We're workin' on it!
I'm working with Tina Dunn to start booking a house concert tour of the Pacific Northwest and California this summer. Here's Tina's contact info if you have a house with a living room or backyard that could accommodate 50 fans. Tina booked a house concert tour of the East Coast a couple years ago, and it was great fun for me and everyone who came to the shows!
I did some more recording with The Paranoid Style last week in Durham, with Jason Richmond behind the board again. A bunch more great new songs from Elizabeth Nelson!
I have a Linktree now, too. It's got all the appropriate linkyness you would need to follow me.
Thanks to Wendy Brynford-Jones at Hello Wendy PR who has done a superior job making me look interesting to the press for this record; to Bill Hutchison who manages his unmanageable client; to Dixon, Ladd, Sledge, Simonsen, Dixon-Jones, Richmond, Powell, Carroll, Langford, Krop and Associates for making this be; to all the girls I've loved before; to everything there is a season; to each his own; to little, to late (sic and sic).
And especially to my family for always being there.
So follow me. I'm still infrequent here, but I'm trying hard to be "back with a vengeance"--the new album is cause for celebration, it's really good if I do say so myself, and I hope you like where I'm going with it. Come along!
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